Symposium Preparation

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Paper presentations :
You have 10 minutes of time , 7 min for presentation and 3 min for question time. Click here for paper presentation topics and sample papers

Our symposium should fall on this September, Enter your ideas and comments for our symposium this year here.

Cynosure rocks !!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Exams ??

I have never been able to define my feelings about exams...

I hate exams because....

everyone you meet says, "do your exams well, nallaa padikkanum". you have to cut short the time on phone; wake-up very early in the morning... see the sun rise which you have not done for months...!!! worst cant read a magazine leisurely... if you do, "are they going to ask about the magazine in your exams??" comes the question.. arrrghhh... same applies for the news paper supplimentary too.. you plan to study in the night and sleep in the afternoon.. "dont sleep all day... get up and learn..!!". And you discuss subjects on the phone..!!!!

I love exams because....

you can stay awake all night with a novel inside your subject book.. all think that you have been learning all night while whatever you did was sail into another world..!! you sleep lot the next day "she has been learning all night... let her rest". friends call you before every exam and wish you all the best and promise to pray for your success... extra concern and extra calories..!!! the best part of examination time is the so called study holidays... group study is one more thing that is most exciting during exams... you get a chance to talk talk talk talk talk and talk until you get exhausted (which never happens!!) but name it study.. "ssshhh dont disturb" (he he)

whatever.. hate it or love it... they are unavoidable... they are a test for your time management skills...!! ( you learn only at the last minute...!!) and your writing skills. ( you write pages about something you have never heard about..!!) even your reading skills ( you complete a book of 500+ pages in a night)

Written By,

Funny Full Forms Of Big Companies

1. NIIT - Not Interested in IT
2. WIPRO - Weak Input, Poor & Rubbish
3. HCL - Hidden costs and   Losses
4. TCS - Totally Confusing Solutions
5. INFOSYS - Inferior Offline Systems
6. HUGHES - Highly Useless Graduates Hired For Eating And Sleeping
7. BAAN - Beggars Association and Nerds
8. IBM - Implicitly Boring Machines
9. SATYAM - Sad And Tires Yelling Away Madly
10. PATRAM - Puzzled And Ridiculous Array of Microprocessors
11. C-Dot - Coffee During Office Timings
12. AT&T- All Troubles & Terrible
14. Oracle - Online Romance and Chatting with Lady Employees

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