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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Syllabus for Sixth Semester - 2010

DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING                                
UNIT I              OVERVIEW OF SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS                                             
Basic elements of digital signal Processing -Concept of frequency in continuous time and discrete time signals -Discrete time signals. Discrete time systems -Analysis of Linear time invariant systems -Z transform -Convolution and correlation.
UNIT II             FAST FOURIER TRANSFORMS                                                               
Introduction to DFT - Efficient computation of DFT Properties of DFT - FFT algorithms
- Radix-2 and Radix-4 FFT algorithms - Decimation in Time - Decimation in Frequency algorithms - Use of FFT algorithms in Linear Filtering and correlation.

UNIT   III OVERVIEW OF DIGITAL FILTERS                                                                     
Introduction to digital filters-Types of digital filters-FIR and IIR filters - choosing between FIR and IIR filters-specification of the filter requirements - coefficient calculation-
Realization structures of FIR and IIR filters - Digital Matched Filtering.

UNIT   IV         DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS                                                             
Introduction - computer Architecture for signal processing - Harvard architecture -
Pipelining - Hardware Multiplier -Accumulator -Special Instructions - Replication - On
chip memory cache - Extended parallelism - SIMD, VLIW and static superscalar
processing - General purpose Digital Signal processors - Fixed point Digital Signal
Processors -  floating  point  Digital  Signal  Processors -  Selecting  Digital  Signal

UNIT V            REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS OF DSP                                                
AUDIO APPLICATIONS OF DSP: Digital Audio Mixing - Speech Synthesis and Recognition
- CD Digital audio Systems.
TELECOMMUNICATION APPLICATIONS OF DSP: Architecture - Digital cellular Mobile Telephony - set Top Box for Digital TV reception - Adaptine Telephone echo

BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS OF DSP: Fetal ECG Monitoring - DSP based closed loop
controlled Anasthaesia - Detection of fetal heart beats during Labour.

1. Emmanuel C.Ifeachor, Barrie.W.Jervis “Digital Signal Processing - A Practical Approach” second Edition, Pearson Education, 2003.
2. John G Proakis and Dimtris G Manolakis, “Digital Signal Processing Principles, Algorithms and Application”, PHI/Pearson Education, 2000, 3rd Edition.
3. Alan V Oppenheim, Ronald W Schafer and John R Buck, “Discrete Time Signal Processing”, PHI/Pearson Education, 2000, 2nd Edition.

JAVA PROGRAMMING                                 
UNIT I                                                                                                                                   
A look at procedure oriented programming - Object oriented programming paradigm -
Basic concepts of object oriented programming - Benefits of OOP -What is java? -
Simple java program- Java vs. C++-Tokens - Keywords - Identifiers and constants -
Data types - Type Conversions and Casting - Arrays-Operators - Control statements in
java. Class fundamentals - Declaring Objects- Assigning Object Reference Variables -
introducing methods- constructors - this keyword- garbage Collection - finalize ()

method - overloading methods- objects as parameters- returning objects- access control - static-   final keyword- Nested classes - Inner classes- classes with command line arguments
UNIT II                                                                                                                                      8
Basics- Super keyword- Multilevel Hierarchy- Invoking Constructors- Method overriding
Abstract Classes - Using Final  with Inheritance- Packages- Access Protection -

Importing a Packages- Interfaces-Special String Operations - Character Extraction -
String Comparison - Modifying a String -String Buffer.

UNIT III                                                                                                                                    9
Exception Types - Uncaught Exceptions - Using Try Catch - Multiple Catch - Nested Try - throw- throws- finally - Built in Exceptions- Using Exceptions- Thread Model -
Character Streams- Stream I/O- Serialization- Files

UNIT  IV                                                                                                                                  10
Applet Architecture - Skeleton- Simple Applet Display Methods- HTML APPLET tag -
Passing Parameters to the Applet- AudioClip and AppletStub Interface - Delegation Event Model - Event Classes. Collection Interfaces - Collection Classes - Using Iterator - Maps- Comparators- Legacy Classes and Interfaces

UNIT V                                                                                                                                    10
String Tokenizer - BitSet - Calendar - Gregorian - TimeZone - Locale - Random-
Currency-  Case  studies -  Real  time  application  development-  Debugging  the
application - Testing the application.

1.  D.Norton, H. Schildt, “Java 2 The Complete Reference Fifth Edition”, TMH,
2002 (Re print 2009)
2.  Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates, “Head First Java”, Second Edition, O'Reilly Media,

3.  M.Deitel, Deitel,     “Java How To Program” Seventh Edition, Prentice Hall
4.  Paul Deitel , Harvey M Deitel, “Java for Programmers”, First Edition, Pearson,
5.  Elliote Rusty Harold,       “Java Network Programming” Third Edition, O’Reilly
6.  Ian F. Darwin, “Java Cook Book”, Second Edition O’Reily Media 2002.


UNIT I              OUTPUT PRIMITIVES                                                                     9
Introduction    -  Line    -  Curve  and  Ellipse  Drawing  Algorithms       -  Attributes     -  Two-
Dimensional Geometric Transformations - Two-Dimensional Clipping and Viewing.

UNIT II             THREE-DIMENSIONAL CONCEPTS                                           9
Three-Dimensional  Object  Representations        -  Three-Dimensional  Geometric  and
Modeling Transformations - Three-Dimensional Viewing - Color models - Animation.

UNIT III            MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS DESIGN                                                9
An Introduction - Multimedia applications - Multimedia System Architecture - Evolving technologies for Multimedia - Defining objects for Multimedia systems - Multimedia Data interface standards - Multimedia Databases.

UNIT IV           MULTIMEDIA FILE HANDLING                                                    9
Compression & Decompression - Data & File Format standards - Multimedia I/O
technologies - Digital voice and audio - Video image and animation - Full motion video
- Storage and retrieval Technologies.

UNIT V            HYPERMEDIA                                                                                9
Multimedia Authoring & User Interface - Hypermedia messaging - Mobile Messaging -
Hypermedia  message  component -  Creating  Hypermedia  message -  Integrated

multimedia message standards - Integrated Document management - Distributed Multimedia Systems.

1.  Donald Hearn and M.Pauline Baker, “Computer Graphics C Version”, Pearson
Education, 2003. (UNIT I : Chapters 1 to 6;  UNIT 2: Chapter 9 - 12, 15, 16)
2.  Prabat K Andleigh and   Kiran Thakrar, “Multimedia Systems and Design”, PHI,
      2003. (UNIT 3 to 5)

3.  Foley, Vandam, Feiner, Huges, “Computer Graphics: Principles & Practice”,
Pearson Education, second edition 2003.
4.  Judith Jeffcoate, “Multimedia in practice technology and Applications”, PHI, 1998.

NUMERICAL METHODS                                   
Linear interpolation methods (method of false position) - Newton’s method - Statement of Fixed Point Theorem - Fixed point iteration: x=g(x) method - Solution of linear system by Gaussian elimination and Gauss-Jordon methods- Iterative methods: Gauss Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel methods- Inverse of a matrix by   Gauss Jordon method -
Eigenvalue of a matrix by power method.

UNIT II             INTERPOLATION AND APPROXIMATION                            9+ 3
Lagrangian Polynomials - Divided differences - Interpolating with a cubic spline -
Newton’s forward and backward difference formulas.
Derivatives  from  difference  tables      -  Divided  differences  and  finite  differences         -
Numerical integration by trapezoidal and Simpson’s 1/3 and 3/8 rules - Romberg’s
method - Two and Three point Gaussian quadrature formulas - Double integrals using
trapezoidal and Simpson’s rules.
EQUATIONS                                                                                           9+ 3
Single step methods: Taylor series method - Euler and modified Euler methods -
Fourth order Runge - Kutta method for solving first and second order equations -
Multistep methods: Milne’s and Adam’s predictor and corrector methods.
DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS                                                                          9+ 3
Finite  difference  solution  of  second  order  ordinary  differential  equation             -  Finite
difference solution of one dimensional heat equation by explicit and implicit methods -
One dimensional wave equation and two dimensional Laplace and Poisson equations.

1.  Gerald, C.F, and Wheatley, P.O, “Applied Numerical Analysis”, Sixth Edition,
Pearson Education Asia, New Delhi, 2002.
2.  Kandasamy, P., Thilagavathy, K. and Gunavathy, K.,                “Numerical Methods”,
S.Chand Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 2003
3.  Balagurusamy, E., “Numerical Methods”, Tata McGraw-Hill Pub.Co.Ltd, New
Delhi, 1999.
4.  Burden, R.L and Faires, T.D., “Numerical Analysis”, Seventh Edition, Thomson
Asia Pvt. Ltd., Singapore, 2002

COMPUTER NETWORKS                                  

UNIT I              DATA COMMUNICATIONS                                                           8
Components - Direction of Data flow - networks - Components and Categories - types
of  Connections    -  Topologies     -Protocols  and  Standards      -  ISO     /  OSI  model     -
Transmission Media - Coaxial Cable - Fiber Optics - Line Coding - Modems - RS232
Interfacing sequences.

UNIT II             DATA LINK LAYER                                                                      10
Error - detection and correction - Parity - LRC - CRC - Hamming code - low Control
and Error control - stop and wait - go back-N ARQ - selective repeat ARQ- sliding
window - HDLC. - LAN - Ethernet IEEE 802.3 - IEEE 802.4 - IEEE 802.5 - IEEE 802.11
- FDDI - SONET - Bridges.
UNIT III                        NETWORK LAYER                                                                    10
Internetworks - Packet Switching and Datagram approach - IP addressing methods -
Subnetting - Routing - Distance Vector Routing - Link State Routing - Routers.

UNIT IV           TRANSPORT LAYER                                                                     9
Duties of transport layer - Multiplexing - Demultiplexing - Sockets - User Datagram
Protocol (UDP) - Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) - Congestion Control - Quality
of services (QOS) - Integrated Services.

UNIT V            APPLICATION LAYER                                                                              8
Domain  Name  Space     (DNS)   -  SMTP  -  FTP  -  HTTP  -  WWW  -  Security  -

1.  Behrouz A. Forouzan, “Data communication and Networking”, Tata McGraw-Hill,

2.  James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross, “Computer Networking: A Top-Down
Approach Featuring the Internet”, Pearson Education, 2003.
3.  Andrew S. Tanenbaum, “Computer Networks”, PHI, Fourth Edition, 2003.
4.  William Stallings, “Data and Computer Communication”, Sixth Edition, Pearson
Education, 2000.

JAVA PROGRAMMING LAB                             

Solving Simple problems using,
1.  Abstract classes
2.  Inheritance
3.  Interfaces
4.  Event handling using applets
5.  Threads(single and multiple)
6.  Swings
7.  File handling and I/O handling
8.  Database applications (JDBC)


1.         To implement Bresenham’s algorithms for line, circle and ellipse drawing
2.         To perform 2D Transformations such as translation, rotation, scaling, reflection
and sharing.
3.         To implement Cohen-Sutherland 2D clipping and window-viewport mapping
4.         To perform 3D Transformations such as translation, rotation and scaling.
5.         To visualize projections of 3D images.
6.         To convert between color models.
7.         To implement text compression algorithm
8.         To implement image compression algorithm
9.         To perform animation using any Animation software
10.       To perform basic operations on image using any image editing software

COMPUTER NETWORKS LAB                              

1.  Applications using TCP Sockets like
a.  Echo client and echo server
b.  File transfer
c.  Remote command execution
d.  Chat
e.  Concurrent server
2.  Applications using UDP Sockets like
a.  DNS

b.  SNMP
3.  Applications using Raw Sockets like
a.  Ping
b.  Trace route
4.  RPC
5.  Experiments using simulators like OPNET:
a.  Performance comparison of MAC protocols
b.  Performance comparison of Routing protocols
c.  Study of TCP/UDP performance

Total : 45

                                       SEMESTER VI

Code No.                           Course Title                           L    T    P     M      C
Resource Management Techniques                           3     0      0      100      3
UNIX Internals                                                                3     0      0      100      3
High Performance Microprocessors                           3     0      0      100      3
Data Warehousing and Mining                                    3     0      0      100      3
Visual Programming                                                     3     0      0      100      3
Embedded Systems                                                     3     0      0      100      3
Advanced Databases                                                   3     0      0      100      3
Intellectual Property Rights                                           3     0      0      100      3
Indian Constitution and Society                                   3     0      0      100      3


UNIT I              INTRODUCTION AND DATA WAREHOUSING                          8
Introduction,  Data  Warehouse,  Multidimensional  Data  Model,  Data  Warehouse
Architecture, Implementation, Further Development, Data Warehousing to Data Mining
DESCRIPTION                                                         8
Why Preprocessing, Cleaning, Integration, Transformation, Reduction, Discretization, Concept Hierarchy Generation, Data Mining Primitives, Query Language, Graphical User   Interfaces,   Architectures,   Concept   Description,   Data   Generalization, Characterizations, Class Comparisons, Descriptive Statistical Measures.

UNIT III                        ASSOCIATION RULES                                                       9
Association  Rule  Mining,  Single-Dimensional  Boolean  Association  Rules  from
Transactional Databases, Multi-Level Association Rules from Transaction Databases

UNIT IV           CLASSIFICATION AND CLUSTERING                                      12
Classification and Prediction, Issues, Decision Tree Induction, Bayesian Classification, Association Rule Based, Other Classification Methods, Prediction, Classifier Accuracy, Cluster Analysis, Types of data, Categorisation of methods, Partitioning methods, Outlier Analysis.

UNIT V                        RECENT TRENDS                                                              8
Multidimensional Analysis and Descriptive Mining of Complex Data Objects, Spatial Databases, Multimedia Databases, Time Series and Sequence Data, Text Databases, World Wide Web, Applications and Trends in Data Mining

1.  J. Han, M. Kamber, “Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques”, Harcourt India /
Morgan Kauffman, 2001.
2.  Margaret H.Dunham, “Data Mining: Introductory and Advanced Topics”, Pearson
Education 2004.
3.  Sam Anahory, Dennis Murry, “Data Warehousing in the real world”, Pearson
Education 2003.
4.  David Hand, Heikki Manila, Padhraic Symth, “Principles of Data Mining”, PHI
5.  W.H.Inmon, “Building the Data Warehouse”, 3rd Edition, Wiley, 2003.
6.  Alex  Bezon,  Stephen  J.Smith,       “Data Warehousing,  Data  Mining  &  OLAP”,
MeGraw-Hill Edition, 2001.
7.  Paulraj  Ponniah,         “Data  Warehousing  Fundamentals”,  Wiley-Interscience
Publication, 2003.

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