Windows 95 was released under the sea in a submarine to show how life would be without "windows" Amazon's search enginew is A9
Amazon.com was started by Jeff Bezos whose surname is Spanish for "kisses".
Pyra Labs created Blogger.com which was brought by Google
SUN as in SUn Microsystems stands for Stanford University Network.
Cisco's Logo has been taken from the Golden Gate Brigde of San Francisco.
IBM's PC division was taken over by Lenovo, which is called "The Great Wall of China".
Hotmail was coined by inserting vowels between HTML.
GNU was recursive for GNU's Not Unix.
Linus Torvalds works in OSDL (open source developers lab).
Nintendo means "leave luck to heaven" in Japanese
Pyra Labs created Blogger.com which was brought by Google
SUN as in SUn Microsystems stands for Stanford University Network.
Cisco's Logo has been taken from the Golden Gate Brigde of San Francisco.
IBM's PC division was taken over by Lenovo, which is called "The Great Wall of China".
Hotmail was coined by inserting vowels between HTML.
GNU was recursive for GNU's Not Unix.
Linus Torvalds works in OSDL (open source developers lab).
Nintendo means "leave luck to heaven" in Japanese
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